Wingman [Woman] Page 51

“Shit,” he breathes, nibbling on my neck.

I reach over and slide my hands beneath the sleeves of his shirt, squeezing his biceps. I let my nails bite into his flesh as I fuck him harder. Our skin slaps together and our moans fill the small space. Steam creeps up the windows as we both begin running faster and faster to the finish line.

“You better fuckin’ come soon,” he snarls into my neck, biting my flesh. “If you don’t, you’re gonna miss out. I need to come, baby. Now.”

He pinches my nipples and that’s enough to send me over the edge. I scream his name as wave after wave of orgasm rips through my body. He roars loudly and his cock swells inside me before exploding with his release.

It takes us a long time to come down after that mind-blowing orgasm. I nuzzle my face into his neck, breathing him in, knowing that it might be the last time I ever get to feel him like this. Tears sting my eyes at that reality, and as if he knows this, his hands go up to my back where he rubs small, soft circles.

I nuzzle deeper, kissing the damp flesh, never wanting to let him go. There is so much emotion I feel in this moment, and all of it I have to keep inside. He can’t be feeling good either, because regardless of his choice, I know I matter to him. I just don’t know how much.

That’s why I can’t let that woman hurt him.

Even if it means I lose him.

“Tell me something Reign,” I whisper against his skin. “If she wasn’t in the picture, would you have me? Could you . . . love me?”

He’s silent for what seems like forever, then in a quiet, raspy voice he says, “I’d do more than love you, Tia. I’d make you mine. I’d give you my world and my heart. And the best thing about it would be that I know, I fucking know you’d give it all back.”

He’s so incredibly right about that.

It’s just a shame it will never happen.


Oh sweet mother of all things holy, why, why do I drink?

My head is pounding as I stumble around for my first day back at work the next morning. I can’t find my phone, or my purse, or my lipstick. Who the fuck loses that much stuff? I stagger into the kitchen, dragging a brush through my hair. With my free hand, I press the coffee machine on button.

Need coffee.

My phone makes a beeping sound and I spin around, instantly regretting the decision to move that quickly, but needing to find it while it’s ringing. I hurry around the room, groaning in pain as I get closer to the sound. I find it stuffed under the couch. How the fuck did my purse and phone get under the couch?


I pull it out and glance down; a missed call from my mom. I also see a message from Reign. I click it open and read it.

R: You alive?

Snorting, I respond.

T: Define alive?

A moment later he gets back to me.

R: Good morning, T.

T: Good morning, boss. It’s totally acceptable if I’m, say, three hours late? Right?

R: I don’t like you that much.

T: Ouch, that’s so mean. Can you come and pick me up? I’m fairly sure I’m over the legal limit. I smell like a pot of beer.

R: Sending a car over in an hour.

T: You’re a gem.

R: Never call me a gem again. You’re killing my manhood.

I laugh.

T: You and your manhood. You have to let it go someday.

R: Never. Now go and shower, I can smell you from here.

T: I love how nice you are to me.

I throw the phone onto the kitchen bench and walk very slowly towards the shower.

An hour later I’m feeling slightly more human. I’ve showered, dressed, styled my hair and even managed to force a piece of toast into my belly. A car arrives for me five minutes after I’ve finished my hair, and I quickly gather my purse and hurry out.

Reign’s office is only ten minutes from my house, which is great because I’m sure I’d throw up if it were further. Hangover plus car equals sick Tia. I thank the driver as I climb out, balancing a coffee as I bump the door closed with my hip. I turn and stare up at the large office building. Here goes.

I pass through reception with a cheerful “good morning,” and make my way to the back offices. Reign has a space for me on the days I come in to work, which I am doing more and more of because I like the people. The small office I have is three spaces down from his. I see he’s got a meeting sign on his door, so I don’t bother him.

I go straight to my office and throw myself in my comfy leather chair. I have so much to do. With a groan, I start with my emails. The first one that pops up is one from Reign, dated only this morning. In fact, only about three minutes ago. I stare down the hall to his door. It’s still closed. I click open the email.

To: Tiani

From: Reign

Subject: Morning.


I’ve attached some work for you that I need done first thing this morning.

Stop frowning, I pay accordingly.


I click open the attachment and groan. It’s a big job; I knew it would be. I quickly reply to the email.

To: Reign

From: Tiani

Subject: Re: Morning.

Reign Braxton,

As a boss, I hate you.

Lucky I like you as a friend.

Is it acceptable behavior if I pay someone else accordingly to do this for me?

My brain hurts.


Once the email is sent, I start working through the other emails and then get to work on Reign’s project. Only ten minutes in, I get another email from him.

To: Tiani